Yup! This was our first week back to school. I LOVE the year round schedule, but I was a little sad to go back to work so much earlier than my teacher buddies on the traditional schedule. This week we did kindergarten testing and today we divided the classes up so I have my class of sweeties. Tomorrow we have a workday and open house and then Monday is the first day of kindergarten! I'm excited! Molly has adjusted just fine to me going back to work. She's loving spending her days with Nana. We've been spending time with our friends this week.
We went to Qdoba to see Cooper for his first birthday! (We missed his birthday party because we were out of town.) Just for fun, I'm also posting a picture of their first dinner date to Qdoba when we got back from Vietnam. Do you think they've grown just a little?
This afternoon we went swimming with James and Anna at their neighborhood pool. Molly had lots of fun swimming and was even putting her face in the water!
And here's a cute picture of Molly reading one of her favorite books before bed tonight. Lately, she has had to have both Mommy and Daddy to read to her before bed, so I snapped this picture while we were waiting for Daddy to finish vacuuming and come to read. We typically read the same books every night: "Elmo" (Elmo's Guessing Game About Colors), "Hand" (The Kissing Hand), and "Baby" (Baby's First Book of Signs.) In the book there is a picture of an Asian baby with a ponytail on top of her head. The baby is getting into the bath tub. EVERY time Molly sees the picture, she says "Molly!" She's also been finding pictures of children in magazines that she thinks look like her. When she sees one, she gets very exited and says "Molly!" Very cute!