I truly can't believe the day is finally here--we have the referral of our sweet Molly in Vietnam. Her Vietnamese name is Thi Houng Nguyen. She was born October 22, 2007 and is currently living in the province of Hanoi in an orphanage called Dong Anh. This is very exciting news as her friend Maia Edmisten was also in the Dong Ahn orphanage--how fun for her to have that connection! Her medical was done March 10th and at that time she weighed 12.1 lbs. We are just thrilled and can't wait to go get her and bring her home! I honestly think she's just about the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen--but Brian says I'm a little biased. Please pray for our Molly and for her Mommy and Daddy as we continue to wait on God's timing to bring her home. God is so good!
Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.
--Psalm 127:3