I apologize for the lack of Christmas pictures but we spent Christmas this year in Winston Salem and I left my camera at Brian's grandmother's house the day we left. So until we see the Hineses again the Christmas pictures will have to wait and we will be once again borrowing Mom's camera. Thanks, Mom! :-)
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who called, emailed, sent cards, and prayed for us through this month. There were some times that were very hard, but as always we felt the prayers of friends and family and made it through with God's grace.
Yesterday Brian and I had a really fun date day. Brian took me to Morrow Mountain to

Then we ate dinner at the new Zaxby's in Monroe (if you haven't tried it, you should! There are some healthy options and it's pretty cheap!) and watched the movie Alvin and the Chipm

Still no new adoption news. My friend Dana got new pictures of her little girl the day after Christmas. She is SO beautiful! I can't wait to get pictures of Molly! Referrals have trickled in this month but I know at one point our agency said there would be a good-sized group coming in January so hopefully we'll be in that group! Of course we will keep you posted! :-)