Sunday, September 14, 2014
The kids started Awana last week and they are really enjoying it. We felt like Aaron was a little too young to go, so we just signed the girls up. Then last week, one of the Awana teachers suggested that we just try it to see how he would do. I totally expected them to get a call that he had been crying the whole time. But he did great! Today, he didn't cry at all. Molly is in Sparks, Rayna is in Cubbies, and Aaron is in Puggles. They all three have a curriculum and the girls have activities to do at home and verses to learn each week. They did an awesome job learning their verses this week. Tonight was also "wear your favorite color night." Molly wore pink, Rayna wore purple, and the girls decided that Aaron's favorite color is blue--so he wore blue. Rayna asked tonight if they could go to Awana every night. Ha! :-)