Saturday, October 23, 2010
We've been doing a lot of celebrating this weekend. Molly's birthday was Friday and Nana made Molly a happy birthday cinnamon roll and Brian and I left her a gift to open.
Then Tara brought her to school to eat lunch with me. She LOVED it! The kids were so excited about meeting Molly, but they did a good job of not overwhelming her and she loved being at Mommy's school.
Today we had a little family birthday party for Molly. She and Rayna both got lots of goodies! Nana made Molly a custom birthday cake. Seriously. Molly told Nana EXACTALY what she wanted and Nana made a precious cake for the birthday princess!

And we've also been celebrating with Justin and Tara who are expecting their first baby! We've had such a good time with the Evoys. While Tara was in town, Anna and I threw her a baby shower. It was so much fun! I am SO excited about meeting Baby Evoy!!