We didn't do anything exciting for New Years Eve. Brian had planned on going to our friends Josh and Brooke's for their annual New Years party, but both of the girls are just getting over colds and we were really tired so we slept through the New Year's festivities.
I do, however, have a couple of New Year's resolutions this year. The biggest one is that I am planning on reading through my Bible this year. I'm not doing this so that I can say that I've read the best selling book of all time. I want to do it because it's my prayer that my relationship with God will grow stronger. Have children and a full time job makes spending time with God difficult sometimes. There have been times this year that I've let weeks go by in between quiet times--or had to stop to remember where I left my Bible after church the previous Sunday. I want my time with God to be my priority. My mom is going to read through the Bible this year as well, so hopefully we can hold each other accountable.
My second resolution is to truly enjoy my children--right where they are. Some days I feel like I could get so much more accomplished if Molly wasn't coming behind me and undoing everything I've done. (Do you know the country song "My Little Texas Tornado"? We call Molly our "Little Vietnamese Tornado.") Or I think about how much faster I could fix dinner if Rayna didn't demand being carried all day long. But it's my resolution to truly ENJOY playing tea party every day or reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear 100 times a day. It's my goal to stop complaining about having to carry Rayna around all day or stay up with her all night. Because one day they will be teenagers and they won't want to play tea party or be held all day--and I know I will miss this sweet time. So today as I cleaned up the mess from this morning's tea party (with Rayna in tow of course) I remembered to thank God for my babies, because they won't be babies forever.