The number one thing on my to-do list for this summer has been to complete all of our readoption paperwork. Molly's adoption was finalized in Vietnam. She is legally our daughter and legally a US citizen. However, we decided to go through the readoption process so that Molly will have a North Carolina birth certificate and to change her name. So I've been slowly working on all of the readoption paperwork this summer and thought I had everything ready to be filed today. So this morning I took Molly to the library for toddler story time and then dropped her off at Nana's and headed to the Clerk of Superior Court's office. I was so exited to finally have it ready for submission, but of course, there was a problem. Apparently, I need THREE notarized copies of one of the forms and I only had one. So this means Molly and I will be driving to Brian's work AGAIN today to go have more forms notarized. The good news is this should be the last hurdle and we should be able to successfully submit all of the paperwork tomorrow! YAY!
In other news, I bought the greatest thing ever this week. It's a popsicle mold that allows you to make your own popsicles! This girl LOVES her popsicles, so this is cheaper and more healthy. (We used diluted apple juice.) And you never run out! After she eats one, we refill it and stick it back into the freezer. As you can see, she loves them!

She typically goes straight to the tub after a popscile. Thanks for the new tub stickers, Nana!